Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new blog carnival for me!

So I found a new blog carnival that I have decided to participate in! I love doing these so much because they give me a direction for writing something even when I don't feel like I have something to say. It is also a great way for me to find new blogs to read and get new readers to come check out my little corner of cyberspace.

 If you follow this blog you know I routinely do Not Me Monday's from MckMama's blog and the universally well known Wordless Wednesday (WW).  So now I'm adding You Capture to the routine.  Like WW, it's all about capturing parts of one's life in photos, but rather than letting the photos speak and be about any subject I wish, You Capture has a Weekly Challenge and allows for words as well to tell the story of the photo.

So here we go! My first You Capture assignment is .........drum roll.....please........WORK!

Being a "stay at home mom" the concept of work is quite different for me than a lot of people.  But trust me I take me work every bit as seriously has any Fortune 500 executive!!  Probably even more so some days. I wear so many different hats during the course of my "job".  Here are a glimpse of a few.

Today my tasks were all about spending time with my 4 1/2 year old daughter Lily.

We spent 2 hours playing board games including The Ladybug Game and Triominos.  Both of which are AWESOME tools for understanding numbers, turn taking, problem solving etc etc.  So in a sense I am a part time Teacher.  And of course I forgot to "capture" that part of my job, but I did get the next part!

Next up part time Face Painting Artist!

Of course having all the supplies out we couldn't very well just stop at doing her face, so we did hands too!

And then she wanted a picture with all of "her cat friends".....

I found Fudge (the black and which tuxedo kitty), and Stormy the Girl Cat for the picture, but Stormy the Boy Cat was MIA.

But don't worry when I headed up to do the next part of my "job" I found him! Sleeping in my "too be folded" pile of laundry.

So my day isn't exactly rough, but folding and putting away laundry is certainly work, especially when your cat decides it makes a great bed.
So if you want to see what else everyone "captured" today and every Thursday, head on over to Beth's awesome blog "I Should Be Folding Laundry" and check out the links.



  1. You have a cute little girl. Thanks for the idea of face painting. We were looking for something new to do since we are snowed in. Great photos!

  2. Welcome to You Capture! I love that the work you wrote about first is playing with your daughter. Great job as a face painter. Very impressive :)

  3. LOL Thanks! I'm looking forward to the assignments every week!
    Face painting is fun, we've got the Klutz kit that has a book with how to's and the paints as a gift one year from my dad. Step by step pictures make it all pretty easy.

    @Rana I'm glad to inspire! We are stuck inside a lot up here in the Pac NW, so stuff like this keeps us sane!
